Board position with Aboard: Janne Log's story

What is it like to be a candidate in a recruitment process for board positions? Janne Log is one of two candidates who had the board roles announced for Zyberia/ HealthB (read more about the role here). We have had a chat with Janne about the process she has been through:

Janne Log is a trained social economist and brings with her experience from jobs in both the public and private sectors. She has held several board positions and was chairman of many different companies. Her major interest is ownership and the impact of ownership.

“Ownership is a way of influencing. It is important to know who owns it. This also affects the security dimension, especially in a digital shift."

The meeting with Aboard

Etter grundig undersøkelser av flere selskaper valgte Janne Aboard, og hadde mye motivasjon til å søke på verv. Det nye lovverket og endringene ga flere muligheter som gjorde at det var viktig for Janne å finne en leverandør hun opplevde som genuin. Forventningene besto av spenning og interesse etter innmeldingen på plattformen.

“Jeg fikk høre om Aboard via en bekjent og synes konseptet var spennende, spesielt med tanke på det økte fokuset på kvinner i styrerommene. For meg var det viktig å undersøke hva som var genuint blant de ulike rekrutterings-leverandørene der ute. Jeg kom frem til at Aboard var en genuin og gjennomført tilbyder.”

The path to directorships

"Aboard has a platform that is quick, easy and efficient to register on."

Janne has participated in two processes for board roles since she joined Aboard's platform. She was elected to the board of directors in the recruitment for Zyberia and started in this role in January. The process went over several rounds, and Janne singles out the good communication and follow-up from Aboard.

"In a startup, I feel that there is a great need for different skills in the boardroom. Then there are more people who lift the load. For me, it is important that there are more people, and it is often an advantage that there are more people on the owner's side. This means that the owners do not become too reserved and create a restrictive environment. I experienced through the process that the board and owners of the company were open and interested in solutions and opportunities, where this would not be a problem. I had the opportunity to make demands and get to know the board.”

New changes

Med de nye endringene styrerommet står ovenfor med kvoteringsregler, trekker Janne frem at det er fint med debatt og konkurranse. “Ikke bare de store rekrutteringsselskapene,” påpeker hun.

"I have of course recommended Aboard further."

Aboard was experienced much better than expectations and created excitement. Janne says that the amount of competence and experience in the Aboard team, the focus on board competence and the different approach gave a good feeling. Aboard also has the opportunity to tailor recruitment and has a unique focus and insight into the family and ownership dimension as well.

We in the Aboard team thank Janne for the nice review, inspiration and feedback. We hope this also gives insight to you who are or wish to be a candidate with us in the future.

Written by: Inger Helene Melbye-Larsen | 15.02.24
