The right candidate for tomorrow's board

We make it easy for candidates to register an interest in board positions, and provide businesses with a diverse selection of qualified candidates.

Through three steps, we present candidates and boards to each other

1. You as a candidate register

The candidate registers a basic profile, board experience, professional profile and personal strengths. Are you a relationship builder, strategist, implementer or influencer?

2. We find the right candidate for the appropriate board

Aboard uses various algorithms to find the right candidates for current board positions. Aboard streamlines, simplifies the process and quickly delivers relevant and good candidates.

3. Candidate and business meet

We are just as concerned as you are that the chemistry is right and will join the meeting if you need support during conversations.

The future of tomorrow's boards

Look beyond the traditional

Our vision is increased value creation in Norwegian businesses. We look beyond the traditional and are aware that the concept of value includes our differences. Diversity realizes the company's potential in several directions. 

The board as a driving force

Aboard contributes to societal professionalisation of board work. The board as the driving force, together with the management, develops the company's strategic direction. Our goal for all our customers is to ensure good, lively, up-to-date boards, with the right, future-oriented expertise and good board dynamics in the boardroom.

Society demands changes

Our current and future society requires major changes and an understanding of the changes we are facing. There are important decisions that lie before us in all boardrooms. The board must actively contribute to navigation and selection through changing and up-to-date knowledge for the business. Professional board recruitment contributes to professional boards.

Why choose Aboard?

"Aboard's focus on diversity resulted in the person we recruited both having a good understanding of the situation and good prerequisites for thinking about scenarios from the perspective of the future."

Sarah Leszinski
KOI Fargestudio

"Under SHE At the 2022 conference, Aboard highlighted the importance of a diverse board via a creative stand and workshop. They support SHE's vision «Promoting change until all are included", which is now important with increased demands for sustainable approaches and diversity."

Astrid Skaugseth
CEO, SHE Community

"Ahead of the recruitment with Aboard, we did not have any particular expectations, board recruitment was quite new for us. I don't have much experience with recruitment myself, but I was very impressed by how easy and efficient this was. I think it was particularly pleasant in a busy and tight everyday life that I could hand this responsibility over to some professionals"

Thomas Bjørnerud
Chairman, Freber

"Aboard was helpful from day one and has a rich network of qualified and exciting candidates. As an entrepreneur, I have full faith in Aboard's concept and assume that there will be far more companies that see the possibility of board recruitment via them."

Øyvind Christensen
CEO and founder, Flow Insights

The process of Aboard has been a huge strength. It has helped to remove bias in mine selection process. I believe our board has been enriched in a way that would not have been possible through network recruitment. The candidates' competence and commitment have been impressive."

Jonas Carsten Jeppesen
CEO & co-founder, Zyberia

“Aboard hjalp oss med å fornye styret og identifisere hvilken kompetanse vi trengte. Deres erfaring og veiledning ga oss trygghet gjennom hele prosessen. Vi fikk rask og god hjelp, og jeg anbefaler på det sterkeste å bruke Aboard for profesjonell styrerekruttering.

Daglig leder

You have what it takes

to get your seat at the table

to get your seat at the table

Today's demands and expectations for tomorrow's board

Today's demands and expectations show that many boards need renewal in order to meet tomorrow's challenges and future solutions. The board is an important function for any business, and therefore also for society as a whole.

The majority of today's recruitment takes place through networks. What consequences does this have for candidates and businesses?

Often our own network is very similar to ourselves in many ways. Same geography, places of study, cohort, ethnicity etc. Simple – yes, but best? This actually reduces the board's potential as a value creator for the company.

Increase your chances of making an impact

We help you on the way to:

  • A board with diversity
  • Equal board members
  • Better results

We are concerned with creating economic growth, ensuring diversity, cultivating innovation and creating more sustainable societies. 
